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Invasion Page 8
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Page 8
Noah turned to Liana. "I'll see you on the bridge at that time?"
"I'll see you there."
Year: 2564 (Alliance Year: 7), Location: Ankarii System
The Titan emerged from hyperspace in an instant. One moment the area of space was empty, and the next a Dreadnought the size of a small city, filled with sentient beings, appeared in the system. The ship's momentum carried it quickly forward. The engines automatically reversed themselves and the forward braking thrusters fired as the Titan gradually slowed down and settled into a stationary position.
"Report!" Noah said.
"Captain, we have arrived in the Ankarii system. Judging from the anticipated orbits around the sun, we are between the fifth and sixth planets. Our target is the fourth planet, Ankarii IV. The anomaly was discovered in the northern hemisphere of that planet."
"Proceed at one quarter impulse. Establish a geosynchronous orbit above the area identified by the Archon."
"Aye, sir."
"Dr. Sarduun, is your team ready?"
"We'll need to iron out a few more things and move the equipment to the shuttles but other than that, we should be ready by the time we get to Ankarii IV."
"Good!", Noah said. Liana exited the bridge with her Xen lead. Noah turned to one of the Marines on the bridge. "Lieutenant Johnston, are your men ready?"
"Aye sir. Locked, loaded and ready to take on anything on that rock. We just need to get the particulars about the planet itself so we can bring the appropriate gear."
"Excellent!" replied Noah."Ensign Torrance?"
"Aye sir?" Ensign Torrance turned around to face Noah.
"Ensign, can you give us the run down on Ankarii IV?"
"Certainly captain," he said. "The planet's atmosphere is much like ours. The oxygen levels are a little low. So it would be like being at a higher elevation, like say a mountain, back on Earth. There are temperate climates where there is some foliage and the anomaly is in one of those areas, but much of the planet is a desert. There does not appear to be any large bodies of water, which is probably why the planet was passed over during the initial suitability assessment."
"Can we obtain water from ground sources or the air itself?"
"Correct, captain. Our technology we have now allows for greater ability to obtain water than even just three years ago."
Noah turned to Lieutenant Johnston. "Does that satisfy you?"
"Almost, captain. Are there any animals or natural predators that we need to worry about?"
Ensign Torrance looked back at his screen for a few seconds to check the reading. "None that we can detect at this time."
"Good. In that case, we will be ready to go once we get to the planet. But ensign?"
"Yes, lieutenant?"
"If your scan turns out to be wrong, and I get chomped on by an animal down there, I'm bringing one back and putting it in your quarters."
Noah roared with laughter. "Man, that takes me back to Nontani III. When Jeskan got pissed at the ensign who told him there was no animal life and he got bit by that rat-like thing."
Johnston started laughing as well. "Took that ensign two days to get rid of the ones Jeskan dumped in his room."
Noah and Johnston exchanged a knowing look and looked over at Torrance, who was obviously now quite concerned.
"Relax, ensign," Johnston said. "They were small."
Noah knew that the Marines were in good hands with Lieutenant Johnston leading them. Johnston had been with him on his previous tours of duty during the Xen war and was one of those who Roskan allowed to transfer to the Titan in anticipation of this mission. And while he was daring and innovative in his attacks, Johnston put a premium on force protection to avoid unnecessary losses. He was in short, the epitome of a Marine officer. Competent, gung ho and a little bit crazy. To Noah, you'd have to be a little bit off in order to be a Marine.
"Aye, sir," O'Malley said, as he approached the captain's chair.
"O'Malley, I am going with Dr. Sarduun and the away team. You will stay here and command the Titan while I'm on the planet's surface."
"Forgive me Captain Jameson," interjected Rig'nak. "But it is customary for the second in command to take over the duties of command when the captain is off-ship. As such, according to regulations, I would assume temporary command if we are following the proper chain of command."
Noah stopped and looked at Rig'nak. He regarded the Xen warrior with careful consideration before responding.
"Denied." Noah started to pick up his away pack and walk toward his quarters. "Reggie, you will accompany me and Dr. Sarduun on the planet's surface. I need someone I can trust in command when I'm off ship and right now, you haven't earned it. Nor do I think you ever will. So, O'Malley will take command and you will be right by my side."
"I will note this in my report, captain."
"Understood. Right now, I don't give a shit. I want things to go off without a hitch and the only way I know how to do that is with people I trust. Get your gear and report to the shuttle bay."
"Aye, sir."
As Rig'nak left the bridge, Noah walked to his quarters.
Noah spent the next half hour updating his Captain's log. He noted in the log that he had made the decision to appoint O'Malley as the acting captain and take Rig'nak to the surface. He acknowledged that this was in violation of Alliance fleet protocol, but justified it in the next few comments.
Once finished, Noah began to pack up his 'away gear'. This gear consisted of his backpack, hydration containers, his sidearm, his knife, cord, rope, rain poncho, energy bars, and bedroll. He knew that part of the equipment taken down to the surface would entail tents and cooking equipment. Given that the scanners of the Archon and the Titan revealed that the planet's surface was much like that of Earth's, the standard deployment uniform was to be worn. Had the planet been of a more hostile variety, the contact suits would've been more sturdy. This standard deployment uniform bore a striking resemblance to the combat uniform worn by the Alliance Marines. His helmet contained tracking information on threats, the atmosphere, and other environmental issues, that were projected onto the eye mask. The breathing apparatus in the mouth area of the mask filtered out dangerous gases and converted them to a breathable atmosphere. The suit was of a special material that reflected any harmful radiation while still light enough to allow freedom of movement. Noah likened the feeling of the suit to wearing a heavy sheath. It was heavy enough to give him a sense of safety but light enough to allow him to run and move around and not be a sitting duck. In certain areas of the suit, such as the shins, chest plate, shoulders, back , and thighs, armor plating had been attached. This provided another layer of protection and allowed the wearer to feel a bit more safe. The only difference between the battle uniform that Noah put on and the one that Lieutenant Johnston would wear was the rank insignia that appeared on the chest plate and shoulders. In a small way, it made him feel like one of the team. He was no more, or less, in danger than the lowest ranking Marine.
Noah, collected the last of his gear and made his way to the elevator.
Let's get this over with.
Year: 2564 (Alliance Year: 7), Location: Ankarii IV Orbit
"We are going to descend on the planet soon," Lur'vot said to the dark figure on screen in his quarters. "If all goes well, we will soon have it within our grasp."
"Excellent," said the figure. "And what of the others. Are they prepared to do what is necessary once we have found it?"
"Yes. The others are just as eager to end this nightmare as we are. Some of the others have been strategically placed throughout the ship so we can strike when the time comes."
"And when that time comes, you will kill Captain Jameson, correct?"
"It will be done."
"Then I look forward to our next conversation with you at the helm of the Titan. Do not fail us. If you do, the consequences will be dire."
"To the return!
" Lur'vot said.
The communication feed terminated leaving him in the dark. He exited his quarters and took the elevator to the shuttle bay. He arrived as one of the very last personnel and made his way to his shuttle. He doubled his pace when he noticed Captain Jameson heading toward him and was relieved a short minute later when he saw him and Dr. Sarduun conversing. He entered the shuttle, sat down in his seat and strapped in.
The shuttle bay was bustling with activity. Five of the larger Constellation-class shuttles were undergoing final flight checks and in the process of being loaded. The Deck Officer noted to Noah that the Marines would be arriving on the surface soon.
"How have the launches gone today, chief?"
"Pretty good, sir. We have had some issues with one of the shuttles but nothing too serious."
"I hope it's not my shuttle," Noah said.
"No," the chief laughed as he pointed to a repair bay. "We're working on that one over there. I'd be happy to put you on that one, if you prefer."
Noah smiled and patted the chief on the arm. "When's the last time you rested, chief?"
"Did a double just this past night, sir."
"Okay, once we're down, you're relieved. Get some rest."
"Thank you, sir."
Within ten minutes the last of the equipment had been loaded and the science team had taken their seats on the shuttles. He noticed Lur'vot had entered the bay late and proceeded to his ship without checking any of his equipment. That was odd and Noah decided to talk to him about it. He had taken a few steps toward him when a voice chimed in behind him.
"Ready to go?" asked Liana.
"Anytime you're ready, Dr. Sarduun," Noah replied. He stopped and looked at her for a moment. Lur'vot could wait.
"Just to go over this again, captain. I'm calling the shots down there. I don't want you or your Marines to go stumbling over some priceless artifact that could change the way we understand the universe, just because you were too focused on your dicks to see it."
Noah was taken back by her salty language. It was a welcome addition to the lexicon of the away team, but he hadn't heard the good doctor be crass before.
"Dr. Sarduun, as long as what your team is doing on the surface does not endanger my crew or the ship, then I will defer to you... only on the surface. However, as soon as either of those things become apparent, the ball is firmly back in my lap, so to speak, and I will assume command of the mission. Regardless of whether we are on the surface or not."
"Agreed. See you down there, captain" smiled Liana, walking to the shuttle.
"Ok let's get this show started!" shouted Noah. He entered the shuttle and took his seat.
As he sat down in his seat, Noah chuckled slightly. "Dicks?" he said. "I think we're a bad influence on you, doctor," joked Noah. " That's the first time I've heard you talk like that."
"Stick around, captain," she said, smiling. "My team has heard worse from me!"
The deck officer pressed a few buttons on his datapad and the automatic sequence for launching the shuttles began. Within minutes, the shuttles were moved from their loading spots to the launch ramp and given the go ahead for the shuttle pilots to launch.
"I hate flying on shuttles," Noah admitted to Liana as their shuttle launched.
"Why's that?"
"Well, if I'm in a ship, I'd just rather be the one behind the controls."
She chuckled a bit and responded. "Ah, a control freak?"
Ten minutes later, the five shuttles entered their final descent to the planet below.
Year: 2564 (Alliance Year: 7), Location: Ankarii IV's Surface
"Goddamnit, I said the ridge! The ridge!" yelled Johnston as he pointed to a rocky ridge not far from the landing zone. "Get someone on that ridge, right fucking now! I need overwatch for this entire LZ!"
Johnston was pissed. The Marines had landed 45 minutes before. They had set up a landing zone and established a perimeter around it. The only troubling spot was that part of the perimeter included a ridge that was approximately 100 meters tall. And Johnston wasn't going to let his LZ get exposed because he didn't have a detail up there. The gunnery sergeant grabbed two Marines and relayed the lieutenant's orders. The two Marines scrambled up the incline and twenty minutes later they communicated to the command post that they had taken positions on the ridge. The All Clear message was then relayed to the command center. Once satisfied, Johnston communicated with the Titan to begin the landing of the shuttles.
Two hours later, the fifth shuttle had landed on the surface. That final shuttle brought the Captain and Dr. Sarduun. They exited and approached Lieutenant Johnston, together.
"It's a great day here on Ankarii IV, captain!" yelled Johnston, saluting. Noah returned the salute and addressed the lieutenant.
"Yes it is. Is your team prepared to move out?"
"We are, captain. We will leave a small squad here at the LZ to remain to protect the base and the rest of the company will accompany you and the science team to the anomaly. From the Archon's readings, it lies two kilometers northwest of this position"
"Excellent." Noah turned to Liana. "Dr. Sarduun, how soon can your team move out?"
"Give me an hour and we will have our equipment ready."
"Ok, good," Noah said. "I'll contact the Titan and ensure that things are okay there while we're waiting". As Noah walked away, Johnston was confronted with members of the science team loading up the carriers wrong. Equipment cases were packed in a haphazard manner which caused them to topple over. This caused at least one case to break open and very expensive equipment to tumble onto the ground.
"No, you dumb shits, not like that!" Johnston yelled. He turned to the nearest Marine. "Private Tanner, show these idiots how to load this stuff up!"
He threw down his water bottle in disgust. "The doctor and captain said they want to leave in an hour? Well, I want this carrier ready to roll out in LESS than an hour! Gunnery Sergeant Poole?!"
"Sir?" said Poole, running to Johnston.
"How soon until the defense towers are up and running?"
"Twenty minutes sir. There was some shifting in flight and the power source was damaged. We're setting up a new one and it will be on-line soon."
"Very good. We need those up to protect the LZ. Get it done Gunny!"
"Yes, sir!" Poole said and then he ran toward the squad of Marines setting up the first tower.
The lieutenant was grateful that they were not making a "hot" landing into enemy fire. While this planet could be dangerous, a twenty minute delay in getting the laser towers working wouldn't cost lives. But he wasn't happy that they had not been set up yet and planned to run drills on their setup once they were back on the ship.
The trip to the anomaly was quick and uneventful for the team. The surface of this small part of the planet was of a lush temperate zone. There were groups of green and purple trees that formed small forests and the surface was a series of purplish-green rolling hills leading to the light brown of the mountain range. From the readings on his datapad, the anomaly was in the zone where the topography changed from lush and cool, to rocky and cold. As the expedition crawled closer to the spot on the map, they noticed odd rock formations that were covered with vegetation. One formation, that lay roughly fifty meters from the carriers, looked to be in the shape of a semi-circle and ten feet long. To Noah, it looked as if a cylinder had been cut length-wise.
Liana yelled "Stop!" The personnel carriers stopped one-by-one and she exited her vehicle. Noah dismounted as well and approached her.
"What is it?" he asked.
"That rock formation there," she said, pointing to the formation that had caught Noah's eye. "It's not natural. Come with me." Liana began walking toward the formation. She had taken a total of ten steps when she was suddenly accompanied by six Marines. The Marines spread out in front of her and to her sides in order to deter any aggressive flora or fauna. Noah, Rig'nak , Jo
hnston, and Lur'vot brought up the rear.
"See?" she said as she reached the object. She hacked away at the vines covering it. Lur'vot and Rig'nak joined in as well. In a few minutes they had removed part of the vegetation and everyone instantly recognized that what they were staring at was a piece of a spaceship.
"It's an old ship," Liana said, moving around the hulk and examined what was obviously part of an old wreck. "Based upon the vegetation and the way it has sunk into the ground here, it looks to have been here quite awhile. Probably at least a hundred years or more." Liana moved back around the wreckage and noticed one small area was stamped with a symbol.
"Gentlemen! Look at this!" she exclaimed, exposing more of the area around the symbol. "This wreck is almost certainly a Xen spaceship!"
The group rushed toward the area she pointed to and there it was, plain as day. The diamond inside the oval design. A perfect match for the Xen symbol.
"This can't be," Rig'nak said. "As I told you before, I do not recall our people ever being in this system."
"Yes, but from the navigational data you shared with us, you've been in the Milky Way galaxy for hundreds of years. Is it such a stretch that one of your ships got separated from the rest and crashed here?"
"It is possible," Rig'nak said. "As we moved through the stars, colonizing and leaving worlds, that a ship may have gotten separated. But surely our leaders would have known about this ship."
"You never know," Noah said. "With a fleet like the size of yours that originally showed up in human space, keeping track of one becomes a monumental task."
Lur'vot ran his hand over the symbol and broke into a wide smile.
"This is an important find, Dr. Sarduun!"
Liana turned to look at the other similar 'formations' littering a wide area. "See this whole area? This is a debris field from a crash landing," she said as she waved her arm over the landscape. "I'll bet we find the majority of the ship is where the anomaly is located."